McCormick Employee Health & Welfare Irving TX office

McCormick Employee Health & Welfare

Project Case Study
When McCormick wanted to revamp their manufacturing facility in Irving, Texas, they turned to McCownGordon as their design-build partner.




Building Information Modeling
Collaborative Delivery


Irving, TX

The precast building houses complicated interior systems inside the facility including equipment and requirements for on demand packaging and delivery.

McCormick Employee Health & Welfare Irving TX office
McCormick Employee Health & Welfare Irving TX office

Phase 1 of the project included renovation work in two areas: the first floor office space and pre-weigh manufacturing area. The office renovation includes approximately 11,000 square foot  renovation adding an additional bathroom, work room and office pods. The manufacturing space includes demolition for future expansion of a pre-weigh area within an existing warehouse.

The team completed this work within the fully operating facility, making safety and logistics a key priority for the team. Through extensive collaboration with the client and a proactive approach to safety the project was completed with zero safety incidents on site.

McCormick Employee Health & Welfare Irving TX office
McCormick Employee Health & Welfare Irving TX office